
Successful projects are the strongest argument demonstrating a company’s competence. Prokonzept has in the last decade finalized such a large number of design projects for rail vehicle maintenance, repair, and service, that we cannot name all of them here. Provided for your reference are a selection of important projects.

General planning for the new construction of an ICE plant in Dortmund

  • DBAG invests over €400 million in the Dortmund harbour area
  • The centrepiece of the plant is a 4-track workshop hall with a length of 480 metres as well as a treatment and stabling facility for the maintenance, repair and cleaning of ICE trains
  • Prokonzept is responsible for the general planning of all partial services and service profiles

Planning and construction of the ICE plant in Hanover

  • Existing key depot for the light maintenance of German high-speed trains is being prepared for a higher workload and a completely new train system – ICE L (Talgo articulated train).
  • The project includes the refurbishment and conversion of the existing office building and a 200m long double-track maintenance hall (complete renovation from ceiling to roof), the addition of a new office wing, an 80m long extension to the double-track hall and a new 240m long workshop.
  • Prokonzept facilitates the role of general planner
  • Prokonzept takes on the role of general planner, managing all departments and planning and developing the architecture and depot equipment in-house using the BIM method.
  • Prokonzept plans the conceptual and technical design and handles the tendering, procurement and construction supervision.
    Expected commissioning date 2024

Turnkey conversion of the JNV tram depot in Jena-Burgau

  • Prokonzept, in consortium with Glass Ingenieurbau GmbH Leipzig, is responsible for the general planning and construction of the conversion / new construction of the TRAM depot
  • JNV invests around €35 million in the infrastructure project, which was realised under the leadership of Prokonzept / Glass
  • New Stadler trams require more space, which necessitates the conversion of the central workshop hall and the construction of new outbuildings / warehouses and a three-track storage hall
  • Conversion takes place during ongoing operations

General planning ICE factory

  • Consultancy and active support in the selection of a suitable site for the new depot in accordance with German legislation. Detailed analysis of nine possible sites including environmental impact study, fauna and flora on site, topography and traffic study.
  • Verification of the required area expansion by Prokonzept with extensive simulations of the entire daily depot operations. Estimated extension of the site 50 ha, approx. 3 km long, comparable to the size of an airport.
  • The depot consists of a 6track main workshop hall (500 m long), 2x vehicle washing facilities (full washing facility and facility for light daily washing), 6track vehicle interior cleaning facility, 16track parking facility, an underfloor wheel lathe and a special hall for repairs, underfloor cleaning and graffiti cleaning.
  • The facility is capable of handling 25 full high-speed trains per day for light and medium maintenance work. It can accommodate 10 different types of high-speed and long-distance trains.

    Prokonzept is acting as the general planner for the project, managing all departments such as mechanical, plumbing, architecture, site planning, infrastructure, structural, electrical, signalling, telecommunications, catenary, track and planning all workshop equipment for the depot in-house.

    Prokonzept is responsible for the general planning, the technical planning, the

CHR3 – Maintenance center Beijing on behalf of SIEMENS AG

Light, medium, and heavy maintenance of CRH 3 high speed trains, surface treatment center, traverser, wheelset and bogie workshop with storage, tandem exterior washing plant, double underfloor wheel lathe, underfloor wheel diagnosis unit, electric test facility, test track, track scale, inside cleaning facility with toilet exhaust and drinking water refilling, storage and stabling yard, track plan.

Design of a new Depot Area for Light and Medium Maintenance of EMUs (Desiro DD)

Conception and preliminary design of a maintenance workshop for light and medium maintenance of EMU DESIRO in accordance with maintenance programs and schedules of train manufacturers. Conception design for architectural, MEPF, trackwork and catenary (inside and outside), outside area (streets, stabling, etc.); cost estimation. Development of a conception for a future expansion for heavy Maintenance and components repair.

Riyadh Metro Depot

General planning for the three depots of RED-line and BLUE-line. Main workshop (light, medium and heavy maintenance), stabling hall, washing plant, painting equipment, underfloor wheel lathe, equipment permanent way maintenance, manual cleaning. System integration of sub-divisions, maintenance equipment, signaling, traction power, telecommunication and SCADA, managing interfaces maintenance equipment/plants and civil engineering, technical consultancy – maintenance concept, BIM- Modeling, clash-proofing, supplier management.

Suburban Train Depot Frankfurt / Main Postbahnhof

Design of a workshop for light and medium maintenance of EMU trainsets of DB Regio Hessen. General design and technical leadership of the planning consortium. Design, site supervision, and project management for technical equipment, plant and machinery, and technology.

Construction of a training center with components workshop

Data collection about the available equipment in the existing training centre. Technological conception, arrangement of existing and new mechanical equipment in the new environment. Integration of existing workshops in the building of training centre. Coordination and close alignment of all structural interfaces with object-, structural and building-technology planners.

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